
검색의 글쓰기 페이지 입니다. 제목, 작성자, 조회수, 내용, 첨부파일, 답변보기 를 확인할 수 있습니다.
부상포로교환(한국 거제도 부산)



홀렌드 대령의 인터뷰, 1953년 4월 13일부터 15일까지 리틀스위치(부상포로) 교환 작전을 제1거제도포로수용소 6구역의 야전병원에서 포로들이 이송되어 2부산수용소(유엔병원) 수용소에 이동하는 과정 설명, 13구역의 포로들이 처리되는 과정 등을 설명하고 있다. 문산리임시수용소에서 포로 처리를 담당하는 병사의 인터뷰 등이다.

AVs, enclosures Nos 6, 10, 9; annex 1 and 2 of 64th Field Hospital; enclosure No. 13; 64th Field Hospital; Main Compound, all of POW Camp No 1 at Koje-Do. Seq: POWs receive haircuts in Enclosure 13 of POW Camp No 1. Sgt Ray Coco, CO of Compound C, inspects. POWs sit on ground await their turn. Coco and Lt Col George Bieri, CO 13th POW Service Unit, 8228th AU inspect haircutting process. Bieri walks around a group of seated POWs to examine their haircuts. CUs, signs, "Stripping and De-Lousing", "Clothing Check", "Finger Printer", Medical Exam and Clothing Check", "Enclosure 13 PW SV Unit 13". Guard stands at main gate of Enclosure 13. Travel shot, ambo-buses drive on road and into "PW Camp No 2 UN Command Pusan (Hosp)" (some camera shake). POWs leave buses at an enclosure; some use crutches. MP jeeps and an armored car escort ambos and ambo-buses loaded with POWs from Pusan dock area. Travel shot of convoy on the road and through village street lined with natives. Int, Capt. Arthur Sweet, Ch. Orthopedic Surgery, 64th Field Hosp examines bandaged foot and classified POW (NK) for repatriation. Sweet speaks to a POW (NK) with amputated foot before examination. Maj. Frank Miller, Ch. Medical Service, 64th Field Hospital uses stethoscope to examine POW TB patient. Lt. James Whitford checks X-ray picture and takes notes. Ext, ambo-buses, ambos drive into the POW enclosure. Litter patients are removed from the ambos. Ambulatory POW patients leave bus and enter a stockade.



  • 문화관광국 문화예술과  

최종수정일 : 2020-05-12

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